The Score Magazine November 2018 issue! | Page 22

BAND OF THE MONTH Let’s start with the cliched question- Why did you pick this name? Tony : We like to think that the name picked us! :D Seriously though, we were looking for a name that would encompass who we are and where we're from without steering people too far in any one direction, but we were stuck. Then at 3am one morning, Willy woke up, and it just came to him! He quickly messaged all of us, and that was it! You’ve just released your debut album and it was received very well, what were some of the challenges you faced while putting the album together? Sujay : The fact that it managed to break into a chart position as high as #3 on the All-India charts on iTunes and #1 on the Rock Album charts was very satisfying.The challenges were mostly related to scheduling, and that's why it took us some time to finish it. Tell us a little bit about your music tech set up. What set up do you swear by? Willy : Apart from the band, the music has layers of synths, percussion, etc. We wanted to bring this same sound to the stage, so we found it necessary to run these layers off of a computer. So it's a 5 piece rock band setup, plus a computer. If you could collaborate with musicians from the scene, who would they be and why? Sujay : We've already collaborated with 2 superb young musicians on the album - Parth Chandiramani and Adarsha Ramakumar. We've also collaborated with 2 legendary composers from Bollywood. Our dear friend Sandeep Chowta (who recorded and supervised the vocals on Roshan e Kaafile) and Ehsaan Noorani who was our guest at an gig in 2017. However, the first name that comes to mind is our city's very own prodigy - Varijashree Venugopal! RAPID FIRE 1. Favorite tour Radio Song Festival - Myanmar 2015 2. Festival you would love to play at Download Festival 3. If you could remake a song, which one would it be? First one that comes to mind - Kashmir by Led Zeppelin!! 4. Funniest moment from a gig There was a gig we played a couple of years ago where there was a huge delay before we were even able to get on stage. So Sujay goes up to the mic while the rest of us were setting up and says, "I just want to say we really hate you guys..." ( pauses to process what he's just said ) "... er... I mean, we really hate TO KEEP you guys waiting... er..." The rest of us were literally on the floor laughing 20 The Score Magazine If you had to tell a person who has never heard you guys before, how would you describe your band and music? Tony : A handful of longtime co-conspirators, who got together to do something new, fun, and exciting, while not trying too hard to be any one particular thing. The music is what you'd expect from a band that's been described in such a way, haha! How do you think the Indie scene in India has evolved ever since you started? Sujay : When we started playing music, it was around the turn of the millennium. It was a small community with very few venues to play live. It was either college competitions or the 'Sunday Jams'. From there to having dedicated performance venues, its come a long way and in the right direction. How important do you think Digital space is when one tries to reach out to their target audience? Willy : It plays such an important part in us being able to communicate anything to our followers these days. Take the album launch, for example. We reached so many people by doing a very focused campaign on Facebook and Instagram, that the number of people who attended exceeded our expectations! Upcoming projects Praveen : We've already begun putting some ideas together for the next album, so that's a work-in-progress. But the most immediate project is to plan a tour behind the album.