A ribbon mic is a special kind of dynamic microphone . However , unlike a dynamic microphone where the diaphragm is attached to a moving coil that vibrates within a magnetic field , ribbon mics have an extremely thin strip that stays suspended in a strong magnetic field . The ribbon performs the task of both diaphragm and transducer , providing a condenser ’ s sensitivity and response with a different character .
Here are the some applications of ribbon mics :
Stereo Capture
The figure-8 pattern that ribbon mics natively exhibit is a natural fit for the Blumlein stereo capture technique . Named after renowned British electronics engineer Alan Blumlein , this technique provides excellent stereo separation and control over room ambience . This setup uses two identical figure-8 microphones positioned in a way that their elements cross at right angles while staying very close to each other . The sE Electronics Rupert Neve RNR1 comes with a fantastic form factor and an extended frequency response , making it perfect for high-fi Blumlein stereo applications .
As the figure-8 polar pattern offers complete off-axis ( side ) rejection , these mics can easily pick up ( almost ) completely isolated ( coincident ) stereo fields . Depending on where you position your Blumlein pair , you can pick up more or less room ambience . Kepe the mic close to the source and sufficiently far from the rear wall . This will help you get pure stereo with little ambience . Mid-side ( M-S ), another popular stereo technique , requires one figure-8 and one cardioid mic , which are combined in post production , but it guarantees phase coherency and mono compatibility .
Brass and Woodwinds
The smooth sound of ribbon mics is fantastic for woodwing instruments like sax , clarinet , and oboe . They allow you to capture the tonal sweet spot without picking up mechanical noise from the keys and pads . This produces a signal that doesn ' t require any more processing . For many engineers , ribbons have been the traditional go-to mics for trumpet and trombone . An AEA R84 on trumpet ( about two feet away from the bell ) captures the tone of the horn without harshness , while a Royer R-121 or R-122 straight into a girthy preamp delivers an amazing trombone sound . Perhaps the best thing about using ribbons on brass is that you get all the warmth of the instrument without any stridency when musicians play really loud .
Ribbon mics are fantastic if you are recording a big string section in a small room with limited ambience . These mics can provide a more spacious , cinematic sound that belies the size of the acoustical space they ’ re recording . In fact , a ribbon can be used for a different take of any source where you might use a condenser / dynamic mic .
Ribbon mics are great for drum overheads , capturing cymbals without the tizzy hype . An R88 deployed at a reasonable distance on drum overheads delivers a beautiful stereo image of the entire drum kit that can be combined with a kick drum mic . This leads to a highly effective , minimalist drum kit recording technique . A ribbon mic will work very well when it ' s miked on the bass drum ’ s drumhead surface at a 45 degree angle .
Electric Guitars
Ribbon mics are very popular for recording electric guitars today , whether it ’ s in a studio or in a live setting . But prior to the 1998 introduction of Royer ’ s first ribbon mic , the R-121 , ribbons were generally off-limits for use on electric guitar cabs . They couldn ’ t handle the power back then . The new generation of ribbon mics is robust enough that they can be used on any source — and they sound incredible on electric guitar , smoothing out the cutting midrange of overdriven amps while still imparting a low-mid punch that yields a powerful tone .
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