The Score Magazine June 2018 issue! | Page 27

MEGHAN KHARSYNRAP WHEN THE DINNER BELLS RING- MUSIC THAT MATCHES YOUR FOOD! It’s not odd to find food festivals with an open mic stage, a dj lounge, performances by local artists or even big ones. Most other festivities offer food and other services because it’s normal to couple food with festivities, a hungry audience is a grumpy one. But food and music in particular have an interesting relationship, call it construct if you want. But you cannot deny the many playlists that have been made on soundcloud simply for dinner parties. Sea food is undeniably good when the sound of the waves crashing is played but not as nice when country music is playing instead. A drink coupled with the blues is more solemn than a drink at a club. There have been countless studies on the relationship with pitch and food. For example, volunteers were given pieces of candy that had been curtailed for the experiment, and the tastes that were brought to questions were sour, sweet, bitter and salty. The food was consumed accompanied by low pitched brass instruments or a high pitched piano piece. The result was bitter and sweet. The candy eaten with the piano playing was sweeter even though it was the same candy in all experiments. For someone who have their senses crossed: Synaesthesia, wherein they could even taste colour, taste sounds or hear colours etc. One’s experience of music could be overwhelming. At a concert one could literally be feasting on music so to speak. One could even wonder if someone who is hearing impaired could perceive tastes differently just like those whose senses are intertwined. Most people already know that if your smelling abilities are affected by illness your sense of taste is altered because those senses are closely correlated. So if you have a cold you might not be able to taste anything. The ISO defines flavour as a complex combination of the olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal sensations perceived during tasting. The flavour may be influenced by tactile thermal painful and or kinaesthetic effects. But researchers are starting to wonder if this could apply to hearing and sound. You may wonder if in that case animals associate food and sound in the same way that we can and if they have preferences. They can associate food and sound, take the case of Pavlov’s Dogs and classic conditioning wherein the dogs learned to associate their meal times with a particular sound. The quality of sound is such that it can change behavior. Animals do have taste receptors, but It’s still up for questioning if they can truly appreciate tastes. This element is significant to understanding why we can savour tastes. For most animals eating is just for survival and not pleasure. Vocalists are often told their voices sound like honey or that they produce a sweet sound. Inadvertently we as humans we’re always joining the dots. Good voices are sweet, sweet is considered favourable,a treat at the end of a meal if you may. It’s an example of conditioning. . Since cultures are diverse, there are tastes people haven’t encountered, soy sauce when eaten for the first time without preparation is pungent. Many people around me associate it to an interrupted chord, and more so with the case of wasabi. The taste is out of place in their memory and so it is no wonder they associate it to all things unfamiliar. Since music, especially modern age popular music is significantly dependent on familiar chords and patterns many people are not used to music outside of this box. Advertisers today understand how influential sound is. Chef Heston Blumenthal’s popular and signature dish The ‘Sound of the Sea’ at his restaurant The Fat Duck consists of clams, sea urchins, seafood foam tapioca and panko sand. The dish is presented with ambient waves sound from an ipod tucked away in a seashell. This idea came about when Charles Spence at Oxford University an