• Controllers :
The flexibility or ease of access to a keyboard
depends on the types and number of controllers
present in it. Some of the common controllers are
“pitch bend” wheel, “modulation” wheel, Sliders/
Faders. Some of the Yamaha Portable Keyboards
and Workstations like the I-455 a PSR-S970 com
along with two multi-functionality knobs that can be
used to control parameters like Resonance, Cutoff,
Reverb, Attack, etc., which are a welcome value
• Registers :
Another feature for the live performers to watch
out for is the number of registers available. A
register is where your performance related data
such as Instrument settings, style, harmonies,
split voices get stored so that you can retrieve
them with one click rather than setting it up all
over again. It is necessary for a beginner to go for
a keyboard with at least 2 registers while 4 will be
the recommended number.
• Connectivity / MIDI Compatiblity&Storage :
If you want to access virtual instruments on your computer
through your keyboard, a proper connectivity feature is
quintessential. Some of the common connectivity methods
are MIDI, USB, S/PDIF, Interface, etc.
The next aspect of connectivity deals with the I/O (Input –
Output) section of the keyboard. If you want your musical
ideas to immediately translate to the next level and get a
rough sample of the full song done with the singers within
a matter of hours, then you may have to check the audio
ins/outs of your keyboard. This helps save time and cost of
buying a dedicated interface.
MIDI Compatibility is a default feature in almost all the
keyboards that arrive now and is something that has
become a necessity with the ever rising number of virtual
instruments and similar technical advancements.
• Sequencing :
This is one of the most common features in any type
of keyboard. The Sequencer lets a player record his/
her own performance as MIDI Data and play it back as
programmed by the user. The number of channels or tracks
that a sequencer can accommodate varies from keyboard
to keyboard. It is usually between 3-5 on beginner level
keyboards. If you think you are more of a creator than a
performer, then this feature is something that you may want
to look into.
While there are many more innovative features that
have arrived in many of the present day keyboards,
the aforementioned common features have been
the basis of development and are important to get
an understanding of core aspects of any keyboard.
The other steps shall be discussed in the
subsequent editions.
Author: S.S. Sriram.
He is the Founder, Chief Instructor for Keyboard,
and Sound Engineer at Sahanas - Live the Dream.
Sahanas is an enterprise that primarily aims at
providing high-quality Music training and Media
Services both online and offline. S.S. Sriram also
conducts customized Music Production courses
under the same banner. For more details visit
Score Magazine