The Score Magazine July-Aug issue | Page 8

The Early Days

You ’ ve spoken about how your father has had a pivotal role in your musical journey . What were some of your first lessons like ? What were some of the first ideologies and philosophies about music that you had imbibed ?
I think he had a very unique way of teaching me music . It was never very direct , that this is how you pack this . It was very related to life . So I really feel like he made me see music as more than just one part of my life ; I believe it is present in everything I do , so it has become a way of life for me .
Have some of the ideologies and perspectives changed as time progressed ?
I don ’ t think it has changed , but I think it has turned stronger and I feel music has a bigger purpose in life . I think that ’ s what music teaches you to choose love every single day of your life and choose positivity and choose the path of doing good for people , I think that ’ s what music teaches you to be your true purpose .
Who were some of your other influences and how have they impacted the different aspects of your musicality ?
I was learning classical music , so most of my musical influences as a child were classical musicians , from Ustad Amir Khan Sahab to Bismillah Khan Sahab to Mehdi Hassan Sahab to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Sahab and so many others . It was very interesting in school because of friends ; you had to explore different sides of music , like Sting or Zeppelin , and that was a very refreshing change for me . My brother was learning western classical music , so again , since I was never restricted to
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