The Score Magazine July-Aug issue | Page 50



Meditation has been a motivating force for people since ancient times . The type of meditation and the effects of meditation vary from person to person . A particular kind of meditation might work for someone and the same might not work for someone else . No matter what kind of meditation it is , one of its most important contributions is a boost in creativity . And just like other forms of art , creativity is very important for music as well .
Meditation to Improve Your Music Albert Einstein said , “ The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious . It is the source of all true art and all science .” Like most geniuses , Einstein understood that the source of creativity lies beyond the mind . And of course , it is impossible to disagree with Einstein , what is beyond the mind , is definitely mysterious .
Musicians can develop their creativity by becoming more familiar and comfortable with the mysterious place where all thought and creativity arise . For recording his legendary song , For The Love Of God , Steve Vai fasted for 10 days and recorded the song on the fourth day of the fast . He did that to take his mind to a different creative space than usual . Now , we all don ’ t have to starve ourselves to reach a more creative place . Meditation can also help us get there .
Now , we understand that by using terms like “ beyond the mind ” we can be accused of making New Age philosophy remarks ( somewhat like those Instagram motivational quotes ) that have practically nothing to do with everyday life . But remember that opinions are relative and may not appeal to everyone , you can still learn as an option . As evidenced by many , being comfortable in the space beyond thoughts is practical and beneficial , especially for creative activities like writing music .
Meditation is the perfect practice for any creative musician . Let us tell you about two types of meditation , both of which can lead to a great boost in your creativity . Transcendental Meditation Ever since the Beatles took the first step in popularizing Transcendental meditation in the 1960s , many art creators such as musicians and film directors have turned to it .
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