What should the listeners know more about your band?
The listeners should listen to artists like Alok and a band
called Oxygen where I played more of Carnatic fusion. That
kind of brings out a different shade of me as an artist. take a break and come around. I think most creative
people work the same way and it is no different for me.
Having a much needed break from a chain of thoughts
always gives a new perspective about artistic work.
Can you describe your band’s ideal day out? Will there be a state where the world is overloaded with music?
Going to Kerala, have an appam with stew, puttu with jaggery
powder! Then follow up with a long drive to stop for mutton
biriyani and in short, it should revolve around wholesome
food. We would never say no to a good day with delicious food
and that itself is a huge inspiration to create fresh music.
What is the most striking aspect of your band? What binds you together?
Funktuation as a band has certain characteristics
and has builds its own persona around its music.
We are unique as individual people, and the same
time we become united for the band’s purpose. Such
bonding is a must for great music to come out.
DAVID JOSEPH -The Drummer:
What is the most ridiculous musical risk you have ever taken?
This happened a few years ago with Funktuation. For one
song, my drum stick fell down and nobody was there to help
me get it back. So, I had to play the song with just one stick
in hand! At that moment I only thought that I have to keep
going, rather than giving up and freaking out about what
just happened! It was a great life lesson for me as well.
How does a drummer come out of a creative block? How
different is it compared to other instrument players?
The world is never short for good music! So, impossible! To
be clearer, the world becomes a better place with more music.
What is your greatest fear as an artist?
The biggest fear I have is to miss my family
during my creative pursuits.
How would you introduce your band to a new person?
I’d first ask them to listen to our live show,
and then check out our previous work.
TOBY JOSEPH- Sound Engineer
Describe your beginning of the work with Funktuation.
It was like a surprise when I came back from Goa where
the gig was suddenly announced. But right from then, I
never got a chance to look back from this fantastic team.
How do you talk about Funk and your band to
someone who does not understand it?
I try to explain the same as a chef instead like a musician. By
involving exotic flavors and stylish ingredients, I would say
that the song would be like a delicious dish. Like any other
art, music is not something which can be explained in words.
Funk is something which is extremely fun when experienced.
I tend to get creative blocks while playing but my hands
and legs do not co-ordinate. I just stop at that moment,
Picture Credit: Muse Pixels
Score Magazine