The Score Magazine February 2020 issue | Page 2

Point Source Excellence - From Nearfield to Main Monitoring Genelec The Ones monitors are revered every day in thousands of studios around the globe for their perceptual qualities, technical brilliance and spectacular design. Now introducing the new members of The Ones Family, 8351B and 8361, and the Adaptive Woofer System, W371: Unparalleled room-tailoring continued to the lowest octaves, for the most critical listeners and applications. You don’t know how great your room can sound before hearing it with natural direct sound, controlled reflections and pure neutral low frequency response. Distribution by Sound Team T: +91 22 2881 4041 E: THE ONES. / T H E W O R L D ’ S F I N E S T U LT R A - N E A R F I E L D - M I D F I E L D M O N I T O R S W W W.G E N E LEC.C O M / T H EO N ES