Congratulations on your latest EP " Double Standards ". We love the tracks . How did you put this together ? Thank you so much , I ’ m so glad you like them !! I ’ d been releasing singles for a while , and was itching to put out a body of work , especially one that was representative of both my own per-sonal growth and our community ’ s growth . I ’ d describe the EP as coming-of-age empower-ment pop , a record that explores themes that are important while growing up ( namely , jeal-ousy , gender equity , consent , body celebration , beauty standards ), but that we might not al-ways openly talk about . I ’ m in my early 20s , whilst a lot of our audience is in their teenage years , and what ’ s been really gratifying is their response to it and the impact it ’ s had on them and their friends , mindsets and soundtracks of their daily lives . I was pretty clear going in that I wanted to build a concept EP , and build it out right from the audio , to the aesthetics , to the music videos , to all the ancillary content and conversations around it .
You have collaborated with a couple of artists on this EP . What ' s your process of pick-ing who you want to collaborate with ? Yes , and they ’ re all incredible !! I wanted there to be some cohesion in the audio experience , so chose to go with the same writing and production team , and collaborated with Natania Lal-wani and Austin Armstrong respectively . Natania and Austin are friends and long time collabo-rators too , so it felt very seamless ! I ’ d worked with both of them before on ‘ The Long Way ’, and had such a beautiful time working with them , that it made absolute sense to go with them for this project as well . Natania and I wrote the songs via WhatsApp and voice notes , and Aus-tin really brought them to life . Using Dhol and Tabla on Double Standards which was a bit out of his comfort zone , but I loved how he executed it . Natania and I are friends now and she re-ally dug into the concepts that I wanted to write about and helped me give them shape in the pop world . Bhushan is my go-to mixing engineer because he really understands my voice . We worked with Mehek Malhotra ( Giggling Monkey ) on the visuals , and I couldn ’ t have asked for anyone better ; she brought all my colourful pop art dreams to life ! Additionally , Kevin Fernan-do did a duet on the track ‘ Imperfect ’, which added so much to the meaning of the song and the record as a whole . When it comes to picking collaborators , I pick folks whose work I re-spect , who I think will really be able to bring themselves to the project , and for whom it feels like a piece of themselves , and not just a work-for-hire or a favor . Everyone involved with this project reallllllly gave of themselves to it , had a sense of ownership , and were very invested in it .
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