The Score Magazine August 2018 issue | Page 27

KARISHMA D'MELLO CAUGHT BETWEEN ROCK AND AN INDIAN PLACE: Punk in India If you thought metal heads in India were uncommon, then you should know that punk fans are an even rarer find. Sure, they say it’s still alive and well out here, but it’s hardly thriving. You’d think that with all the concerns we Indians are plagued with, our often questionable political choices, the new wave uprising of authoritarian angst, the growing dissatisfaction that seems to have taken over the general public, that we could all use a good dose of punk rock rebellion right about now. Unfortunately, as much as I’d have loved to say that, a new age form of a non-violent movement has taken over as a consequence to a seemingly crummy state of affairs in the form of some sort of 21st century punk rock revolution, it continues to lead a largely underground existence – often overshadowed by other genres or invalidated as a style of musical expression. Explaining punk to the average person can be hard, seeing as the word itself is either alien to a lot of people, or is limited to mean (and often synonymous with) “Green Day”. Attempting to get rid off the popular notion that punk is nothing more than three chord progressions performed by emotionally strung out teenagers singing in mindless, angry, nursery rhyme- esque verses doesn’t make for a particularly fun Sunday afternoon conversation either (Tuesday, on the other hand!). It’s not like punk is suddenly going to kick off overnight – it’s not like it’s the 70’s, and it is exactly like this is India, but at the occasional concert, you may get a taste of that punk rock rebellion you’re looking for, with its occasionally cheeky and often political, lyrical inspirations. So let’s take a moment, to appreciate some of these talented musicians making a commendable effort at keeping punk alive in India! Da Primitive Future, Darjeeling Check out: Chor, Frontline, Vatkeyaeko Yaatri Available on: SoundCloud, YouTube Death by Fungi, Mumbai Check out: Attrition, I was so mad I wrote a strongly worded letter elucidating my point of view, Dead Soil Available on: SoundCloud, YouTube False Flag, Pune Check out: Spectrum Disorder Available on: YouTube, Band Camp The Vinyl Records, New Delhi Check out: Ready Set Go, Authority, Apocryphal Available on: YouTube, SoundCloud Punk on Toast, Mumbai Check out: Be Hind-U, Gods own city or just the WHOLE album – “We abuse a lot, so what?” and “For Hire” Available on: SoundCloud, YouTube Pip of the Fourth Mother, Shillong Check out: I thought I was a Protégé, Hit me, Lun Available on: ReverbNation The Riot Peddlers, Mumbai Check out: Sau Rupiya, Bollywood Songs Available on: YouTube Tripwire, Mumbai Check out: That’s not what I want, God likes to sleep Available on: SoundCloud Jeepers Creepers, Kolkata Check out: Taxi Ride, Monkeys. Trees. Me Available on: YouTube Doctor Zebra, Pune Check out: Surfer Girl, Find the time, Blast Off Available on: YouTube, SoundCloud Grammy Winning Effort, Delhi Check out: Care about Steve, Dead horse wagon, Available on: YouTube, SoundCloud And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out some of the better known punk rockers on the scene - Unohu, Rainvan, Messiah, Indigo Children, The Lightyears Explode, Lavender Carnage and Skrat. If you’re a fan looking for some raw, unadulterated, hardcore punk to add to your playlist, give these guys a listen, you won’t be sorry! Maybe someday, we’ll see better for times for this outsider genre and these outsider bands that embrace rebellion in all its forms, move beyond social convention, stand up for what they believe in and more importantly (and hopefully), never, ever sell out! The Score Magazine 25