The Score Magazine - Archive June 2015 issue! | Page 28



Summer Vacation is over and now it ’ s back to the grind in school and Music classes . How do you get back into the flow of things you may ask ? Well , We ’ ve compiled a list of incredibly cool and useful sites to help you get your Carnatic homework done and just get you back into the groove overall . Check it out !

1 . Carnatic Karaoke
So , you ’ ve practiced that song from that CD , and now you want to sing it , but wish you had the same lovely accompaniment ? Use AnalogX Vocal Remover that strips your music files of vocal tracks . It works on the same principles that the hardware removers do - that in most instances vocals are equally mixed in both channels , and can be identified and therefore removed by simply changing the phase on one channel by 180 degrees . In order to use the DirectX Vocal Remover , your application must support DirectX Audio Plugins , and must also support either realtime or nonrealtime processing ( such as Paris , Cakewalk , WaveLab , CoolEdit , etc ).
2 . SlowGold
Is your teacher ' s gamaka just too insanely fast for you to know what he is singing ? Want to catch that beautiful violin alapana in slow motion ? A software program for Windows called SlowGold does just that . No more faking . This software makes it simple for anyone to play along with ( or transcribe ) lightning-fast riffs by starting at a modest pace . You will hear nuances of playing technique that you have never heard before . And you will start playing along at a comfortable speed and improve quite noticeably in just a few short sessions . With virtually any recording , you can play along with it at a speed that works for you , at your current skill level , in a way that helps you improve while you have lots of fun playing along with the great ones .
The Score Magazine
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