The Score Magazine - Archive July 2016 issue! | Page 18
The song on loop on your
Sorry (Justin Bieber)
Best food you’ve ever cooked
(Yes, we know it from
There are a few of those dishes as
I always cook with the ingredients
available to me, but I would say one
of my best - 'Cheese Omelette'.
You’ve sung
in Japanese,
French, Russian,
Spanish, Marathi
and Hindi,
obviously and
looks like you
are a natural
in it. How do
you overcome
the language
I love to travel and
I love languages. I
think it is something
that I have picked
up from my dad.
Place you’d like to visit but
We lived in Warsaw
haven’t yet
(Poland) when I was
in kindergarten and
Spain, Italy, France and a lot more
I was put in a Polish
of Europe.
one, then when I was
in Moscow (Russia)
On stage or in studio?
I went to a Russian
school and I kept
Record it in the studio and then
picking up whatever
perform it on stage :)
was given to me. I
have attempted any
Rock, pop or Bollywood?
languages that is
I’m poppin' to rock Bollywood :)
given to me, I only
need a supervisor
who can help me with
pronunciations, otherwise I am very happy to sing in any language.
How do you handle competition?
I don't really believe in competition. Most of my contemporaries are
my friends, and we all have very different styles of singing. I really feel
that if a song is meant to be mine - it will be.
Do you follow a diet regime to keep your voice intact all
the time?
One breakfast food that you must have is eggs and if you are a
vegetarian then oats. I love to have fried eggs or an omelet in the
morning to not make it boring not make it monotonous every day, I
started having oats and cornflakes. And in oats I tried this new
way of making oats in water and adding milk and peanut butter
to it. So it is a peanut butter flavored oats and you can also add
any fruits or anything that you want to have. I usually have
my cereal with cold milk and add lots of fruits and nuts and
stuff in it. So lots of options for breakfast .
I have started having mini meals because we travel
much and there is so much to do. So before sound
check or before the show and after mini meals could
contain of fruits, I have started having a lot of soup
which I have loved as a kid. I have completed my
kindergarten in Poland and in Warsaw when I used
go to school our snack in the school used to be soup
so I strongly created a liking for soup. So yes,
fruits, soup, healthy nuts or I just make myself
peanut butter sandwich with brown bread. This
could be either with organic honey or peanut
butter with strawberry jam. Or just have one
one egg with brown bread which does not turn
out to be too heavy. Sometimes i even manage
to make some smoothies.
I don't really follow a diet plan
never really works for me because
love food so much and I know that even if
I go on a diet for three days it is all going
to come back because I love food. So I have
just started controlling my portions, like I
eat everything that I want to but have less
of it. I do have my crazy moments, like I
remember I had finished an entire bar
of that gigantic dairy milk at one go. So
that is the diet plan, eat everything in
moderation and try not eating late.
You came from performing on the stage to singing in a
studio, which was harder to settle in and get used to? Even if it’s like choosing a
favorite child, which is that
one song you’ve sung and
absolutely love?
Ever since I can remember, I have been performing on stage - annual
day in 1st grade, performing with the school choir in Moscow, winning
all the competitions in high school and college in Delhi and then the
bands. I always felt that I was the most at home on stage until I started
recording in studios. I fell in love all over again. I always say that being
a stage performer and a studio artist are like two different jobs, every
good playback singer might not be a great stage performer and vice
versa. I honestly love both equally as they are different experiences for
me and I am trying to get better at both of them. That is the one question I have never
been able to answer. Each song has
been an incredible experience for me
and I have been so lucky to work with
so many music directors and lyricists, it
is impossible to choose a favorite. I have
started asking the fans on social media
and they also reply with 3 or 4 songs at
one go; no one seems to name one.
You’ve performed on stage for quite some time now,
what has been your pre-performance ritual, if you
have any because you bring in a lot of energy into your
Thank you for the compliment. Well I don't really have a ritual as
such, as everyone around me would vouch for - I am a huge tea lover.
The only thing I would ask for backstage or before a show in my room
would be tea, that’s about it really because the schedule is so hectic
most of the times you fly in and have to check sound and get ready and
rush and meet someone or the band and before you know it it is time
to get on stage. So I would say 'tea' and listening to more music before
the show.
Score Magazine
Have you thought about venturing into
something new like making your own album with
your own compositions?
Not as of now, I don't think I am a good composer yet.
But these things just happen when they are meant to
and can happen anytime. So maybe someday.
Lastly, what are your future projects?
Nothing concrete as of now. Last year 'Sooraj Dooba
Hain' was one of the biggest songs of the year and I am
really happy about the songs that have released this year
- Bekhudi, High Heels & Oye Oye. Will just wait and hope
to record more.