The Score Magazine - Archive Feb-Mar 2017 issue! | Page 14

PRAMITA BOSE PAPON His nickname more instantly rings a bell than his formal identity. For Angaraag Mahanta is better known as Papon. Donning multiple hats as a singer, composer and record producer, this talented suave musician from Assam is now an established artiste in mainstream music. Founder and frontman of the folk-fusion band Papon and the East India Company, this vocalist with a distinctive tonal texture believes to carve his own niche with a quality body of work. From a penchant to set tuneful notes for film music, sharing insightful thoughts on the musical trends in future to facing the camera for big screen under the arclights, this 41-year old performer lays bare a lot to Score music magazine. Excerpts from an interaction... 12 The Score Magazine