The Score Magazine - Archive August 2009 Issue | Page 43

Healing that FITTS  Gayatri Kalyanaraman Supernaturally natural – That’s how Bob Fitts and the people who love him choose to catalog his songs. Hav- ing grown up around men of god, his awakening came quite early. This awakening manifested itself in the form of country infused gospel music. The country tinge to his music has its roots in Texas, since both his parents grew up there, and the gospel side of it looks to be inspired from his education. After a bachelors degree in Theol- ogy, he went on to head the DTS (Discipleship Training Schools) but his passion for songwriting never wavered and it was just a matter of time before he was contacted by Integrity Music to release his first solo album Take My Healing To The Nations in 1988 . An intriguing fact is that Bob has not written very many songs other than the ones recorded and he claims to have lived every one of the song situations and not composed them for the sake