The Score Magazine - Archive August 2009 Issue | Page 15

o “I miss Michael, I miss him very much... there was a gentility and nobil- ity of spirit that I found humbling and inspiring in a man so accomplished” – RABBI SHMULEY BOTEACH “..the oft-dubbed King of Pop’s influ- ence on the musical realm is unargu- able” – ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY “I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. This is such a massive loss on so many levels , words fail me” – LISA MARIE PRESLEY I feel privileged to have hung out and worked with Michael.. my memories of our time together will be happy ones.. I’ve lost my little brother today and part of my soul has gone with him” – PAUL McCARTNEY This from the same ex-Beatle who stopped talking to Michael Jackson after he beat him in an auction and bought the rights to The Beatles cata- log ue way back in 1985.