The Score Magazine - Archive Aug-Sept 2016 issue! | Page 14


Director , Strategy and Planning Ajay Prabhakar
Director , Business Development Pragash VM
Director , Marketing & Operations Sneha Ramesh
Editorial Advisor Nikila Srinivasan
Creative Director George Vedamanickam
Content Contributors Pramita Bose Amogh Rao Manisha Bhat Shreya Bose
Let ' s rush to the press , and let ' s then put our foot in the mouth . The world is becoming a more opinionated place ; some people would blame this phenomenon , and every other possible " evil " phenomenon on our " intolerant " Prime Minister , but I would do no such thing , let ' s argue on fact , please .
There is a new phenomenon brewing . It ' s the phenomenon to hurt sentiments of people in the guise of supporting " Azadi ", and then ranting against the Indian state for not playing along . I recently read a very descriptive account of a Kashmiri rap artist who used his stage to raise slogans against our country . It boggles my mind as to how one cannot distinguish between the freedom to express honest opinions about the plight of Kashmiri people vs throwing bile on the Indian state ( not the government , the state ). I look at it through the prism of common sense : If you know how to break the law , then you know how to face the law .


Director , Strategy and Planning
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