The Score Magazine - Archive April 2016 issue! | Page 28

about the multimedia performance and film is that it is constantly evolving and I'm getting to collaborate with artists I love working with along the way- everyone from Pirashanna Thevarajah a mind blowing Indian percussionist who Ravi-ji discovered in London to Shilo Siv Suleman whose art and work on women's voices has inspired me for years. The album will be released in the fall. I'm excited to share it in India when it releases! How was this received at the Toronto International Film Festival? Premiering Nari at the Toronto Film Festival was a dream come true. It is one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world, and to be able to tell the story of my Mother Viji and Grandmother Lakshmi there was really quite emotional. Not only did we tell their story, we performed their music live on stage. These women are the reason I stand here today, and I am so glad we were able to share their incredible lives and talent with so many people! It was the first festival we did as well, so it was really quite special. Where do you get inspired from? I get inspired from wherever I am at that moment. It can be from an instrument I pick up in another country, it can be from music I hear on the street, it can be from sounds of auto rickshaws in Bombay to absolute silence in the desert. I never know when or where the next idea is going to come from, but I make sure my eyes and ears are always open and in the moment. That being said, silence also brings me loads of inspiration. After I finish a long day in the studio, I love silence. If I watch TV, it will be with the sound off and the subtitles on. In the quiet moments is where I hear my own thoughts and ideas. I also get inspired from my own family. Seeing what all these amazing people have done and the beautiful music/dance/art they've created inspires me every single day. It reminds me to work hard and to break every boundary possible. Best performances so far. Wow, this is a difficult one! I would say one of the best performances was actually two in one day- it was when I was touring with the Smashing Pumpkins. We had to reschedule a show in Chicago, and it was rebooked onto a day that I was debuting at Carnegie Hall in an opera in NY. Luckily that first show was a matinee, so I knew I could fly out right after. Of course, the flight was delayed, the pick up was late. It was a huge snow storm. I was literally changing my formal outfit from Carnegie to the rock outfit and crazy heels I had in Chicago in the car to the venue. Let's just say the make up looked a little clown like! They were in the middle of a song when I popped on stage, and Billy made some funny comment about how I left Carnegie to be with the Pumpkins. It was quite a day and both performances were unforgettable! Any message for the readers of Score? My message to readers of The Score Magazine is, don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't be. I have spent my life hearing people's ideas of what I should be, how I should act, what I should do. It took me a long time to find my own voice and realize that the only person that can stop me is me. People project what they want on you. You have only one life. Live it to the fullest. Don't have regrets about what you could have done and always reach higher than you think you can go 26 The Score Magazine