The Score Magazine - Archive April 2016 issue! | Page 15

friend to me ever since we made Kalakkal ( Club mix ). I called him one day and said , " we need to make one video for me ." He said , " Smita , just tell me the dates and we ' ll plan it , but it has to be kickass ." That ' s when I thought why not we make a music video in a gibberish language . It need not have a meaning . Why not make something fun with nice phonetic sounds ? We made this song then . Just then , Bahubali released . It was truly a larger than life experience for those who made it or was watching it . So we said , " why not have a nice tribute in a language that first came out in
' Ondra Renda ' from ' Kaakha Kaakha '
IDOL Asha Bhosle Ji
Something artistic and creative , which lets me produce and create
EATING Macaroon
Music can make anybody fall in love all over again .
that movie , which was Kiliki ." I didn ' t know Karky ( the writer ) at all then . I said let me make contact and maybe he ' ll help us build the song in that language . One phone call later , he said , " how much time do you have ?" I said 2 3 days and he said , " Okay ." I sent him the tune in the gibberish language . He wrote the song in 3 days , I went and sang it and we shot the video . For the song , he even created the number system in the language . To my surprise , my 4 year old daughter started singing the song in Kiliki so well , even before it released . That ' s how her version also happened .
Artists you ’ ve loved to work with
I have to mention about Sameer Reddy , who has done the cinematography all the way from Ishana to Kiliki to my latest Nirvana Shatakam . He has been such a support system to me and has always believed that whatever I did was coming out of my heart . He always wanted to be a part of it . He was one great technician I have worked with . Definitely Bosco . He is my friend , philosopher and guide in Bombay ever since 2004 .
Madhan Karky the writer of Kiliki is also one person who I think will always stay with me . I connected very well with him and his family .
In fact , when I said to Deva , " Do I really need to make a pop album ?" He was the one who said ," Yes , you have it in you ." and he pushed me to do it . These are people who I will always be thankful and grateful to for being in my life and career .
Lastly , do you want to tell anything to your fans through The Score Magazine ?
There are a lot of times i felt carrying the label of a celebrity is a burden . There was this one time , in 2004 or 2005 when Richard Gere was in India doing fundraisers for Aids foundation . He travelled to South India and was raising funds for the people who were affected . Everybody , every single artist went on stage and performed . That was more because he was Richard Gere . I felt having a celebrity tag was what made him do so much more than what he could have done by not being one . That ' s one thing that made me strongly feel that I need to retain the tag .
The Score Magazine www . thescoremagazine . com