Whether it is art imitating life or the reverse, it does not matter. Until you keep finding the resources for inspiring and stimulating
yourself on your way to attaining the goals set by your passion. Your books and movies could turn into veritable muses for your time
of introspection. The best part is many of these musicals are actually an autobiographical journey of your favourite band, artist or
a totally unknown and independent band. So that means that many of the trials, tribulations or the jubilations of your journey as a
musician could also reflect on their journey. So, nourish your inner dreams with some fresh rains from the past summers!
The Wrecking Crew!
A one of a kind documentary, this thing over here shows you the
process of creating music. Necessarily the process of creating
pop music. This is the story of a group of Los Angeles based
musicians who played on a heavy load of soundtracks without
mostly getting the due credits for it. It shows, how obscure artists
can still get so much satisfaction, through their daily routine of
creation! Amy
Being a documentary, this movie promises to be ripped off
the shams of the conventional portrayals of an artist. Amy
Winehouse is not just a junkie, failing in life for the love of his
life-music. Rather, she emerges as a definite touchstone for
anybody who is regarded as a prodigal talent and has too much to
do at too early an age. The narrative is fresh and the story speaks
of conviction.
You will definitely fall in love with the charisma of Mozart if
you did not know him before this movie. Though that is highly
unlikely, even for the non-classical buffs, this movie is a great
study of an eccentric and broadly colourful character whose
creation knew no bounds. A talented artist who became the
fountain of inspiration for many generations to come. This film is one bundle of energy. It arcs the character of a
musician who is ensnared into the thrills of his own passion. His
overpowering teacher becomes his muse, and their relationship
becomes the stream of consciousness for the entire film. What
unfolds is drama at its best and music at its rawest form.
Walk The Line
This one is a little unconventional, considering that this film
shows the unseen side of a musician. What happens when
musicians are out on tours. Their lifestyles, choices and the
stories behind the unmatchable focus. There is so much to learn,
from an upcoming artist through this film.
The story about the godfather of blues, Ray Charles is a definite
watch for understanding how the fluidity of music can be an
abundant source of life for an artist. This story may not be
completely inspiring for many but is certainly overwhelming for
any kind of musician. Through the jubilations of creation and the
pangs of the earthly vices, all that survives is art!
Score Magazine
8 Mile
I bet this movie has changed many lives, be it the musicians or
otherwise. The invigorating force of Eminem's life and poetry had
had reverberations worldwide for ages. This movie should not
just be watched by rappers, but by all passionate musicians of all
genres. Life is indeed like an underground rap battle, where your
words can be the bullets of revolution.
The Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star Is Born are sort of the
usual suspects in the list. Posed as rivals, the films had been
closely scrutinized for its depiction of authenticity and realism.
Nevertheless, the journey of the musicians in both these films,
have their audacious characteristics.
Bonus: Go watch Across the Universe, if you are a Beetles fan!
One can only be too blessed to have such musical ingenuity of
these artists. Or, it is otherwise almost a fiction.