The Score Magazine April 2020 | Page 16

To some extent Riyaz matters a lot. But at the same time, the bonding with the music form also matters. Our unfaltering bonding without any blockage towards something actually brings the purity out. My friendship with the music is the purest form of relationship which I ever had. The comfort with the old friend called music which brings me such comfort. What is the secret behind your never faltering smile behind your renditions of even such toughest compositions? It is not at all pre-planned. I am completely honest towards the renditions and that is my happiest moment. As I am really happy from within, I express the purest emotions through my music and smile. Rapid Fire Favorite Composition in Hindustani: EkTaal Dhrut Tarana in Nat Bhairav, composed by my guru Gyan Prakash Ghosh. Live performances or studio: Anytime Live performances Your favourite food: Home made food, Thai food, biryani Best compliment you ever got for your singing: The best compliment is the smiling faces of my audience Best off-stage moment in your life: Some green room experiences are wonderful and cozy. Biggest strength in music: Silence Dearest night time raag: Kaushi Kaanada at the moment (as I am learning) Favorite ghazal singer: Ghulam Ali ji One artist you would want to collaborate on stage: At the moment, Shankar Mahadevan Classical santoor, or sarangi : Anyday sarangi Passtimes apart from music: Reading books, chatting with my son, cooking All-Time favourite color to wear for concert: Maroon, red or anything bright. Favorite time of the day based on the raaga division: I love to practice during the morning.