Tell us about your studio, how long you’ve been working
on starting it up and when you plan on launching it.
I started the studio sometime back in 2013, out of a
bedroom setup at my previous residence and was mostly
handling producing, editing, mixing and mastering
projects, with little to no recording work being done at
my facility due to lack of space and good acoustics.
It had gotten to a point where I felt confident enough to run
a full fledged business, and I felt the need to have my own
space to have an end to end solution for artists to have their
work done. I decided to start construction on my new studio
around mid 2015. I had very particular ideas in mind on the
dimensions and the kind of utilities I would require. During
this time, I was very fortunate to meet Mr. Vasi Khan, a very
dedicated and passionate Audio Engineer/Audiophile/Electrical
Engineer/Acoustician/Speaker Manufacturer/You-Name-It.
Score Magazine
We had the opportunity
to have a conversation
with sound engineer and
producer, Akash Shivakumar.
He was kind enough to
give us an in depth run-
down about the launch
of his new establishment
in Bangalore, Cadence
Studios, and what it took
him to get to this point.
After having multiple meetings with him regarding
my vision for the studio, he too felt like it would be a
good opportunity for him to sink his feet into the studio
world and design his first studio along with me.
Fast forward two and a half years, after multitudes of
misjudgements on the ease of work/budget overshoots, multiple
tear-downs and rework to attain that level of perfection both of
us were after, both sound and aesthetically speaking. Finally,
we reached that point a few months back, where we signed off
on the acoustics of the space, and had the satisfaction of hearing
it and seeing it the way we were envisioning it from the start.
As it stands, I plan to have it up and running by the end
of the month, with a couple of interesting projects already
lined up, and a couple weeks of promotion being planned.
I plan to invite all the artists I’ve had the pleasure of
working with, and do a ‘Sessions’ sort of thing, where I
would be documenting the behind-the-scenes work on