The Scoop | Page 10

Us here at C.H.A.L.K are very fortunate to have 3 new youth for our YouthLine Program. These 3 youth got chosen out of approximately 200 applicants. We introduce to you Darius Davis, Yonglin Chen, and Bogdan Semeniuk. They 3 are really amazing! We can't wait to see what the future holds with them!

I remember my first day of training. I felt good that they choose me out of x amout of applicants. I felt a sence of accomplishment. Also, I felt kind of shy because I was new. I showed up late the first day (witch is not a way to show a good impression) and I came in to a big group waiting to get started. After we completed the whole training, I was glad that I came because I met new friends and I gained new skills that I can carry with me for the rest of my life.

Trayvon Smith:

YouthLine Intern for 1 year