The Scoop WINTER 2018-2019 | Page 78

142. Why can’t I just write this as a question?

143. Why is the color red not a shade of orange?

144. I write something random and add a question, can this count as one of the 65 questions?

145. If I put 88 house keys in a line, do I have a piano?

146. Yes?

147. NO?

148. If I learn to fly, am I a bird?

149. Why is it illegal to cut of a mattress’ tag?

150. Why do the cops come after me if I steal a car?

151. Why is “To be, or not to be” the question?

152. If someone watches anime, are they still human?

153. When does Pokemon Go stop?

154. Why do goats defy gravity?

155. Can dogs go meow?

156. Does the week start on Sunday or Monday?

157. Does Starbucks use a Star’s money?

158. If I break a bike in half, do I have a unicycle?

159. Can I put a stick on a horse and call it a unicorn?

160. Is a bus just a fat car?

161. If I break part of Antarctica and keep it in a freezer forever, will it melt because of global warming?

162. Squawk squawk meow meow?

163. Is a snail just a cool slug?

164. Why is Iron “Fe”

165. If I live below sea level, am I underwater?

166. If schools don’t allow weapons, then why do we bring anything at all?

167. If I delete the internet, will I lose all my Instagram followers?

168. What continent is Central America part of?

169. If Mexico and Canada are in North America, are Mexicans and Canadians also American?

170. Why can’t I just grow another limb?

171. Do cells speak english?

172. If jaywalking is illegal, then does that mean I can’t take my Blue Jay out for a walk?

173. Why is fast food called fast

174. Why is a lot of 80’s music relatable with every mood?

175. IF dwarf planets aren’t planets, then why are neutron stars still considered stars?

176. Why does burnt hair smell so bad?

177. If I bite my nails, am I shortening my lifespan?

178. Do Dodos taste good?

179. Which is smarter: Monkeys or Gorillas?

180. If yellow is a primary color then why is green used?

181. Why are surge protectors called surge protectors when they’re mostly used as a way of getting more power sockets?

182. Why don’t I get infinite energy when connecting a power surge to itself?

183. Why are coords always tangled?

184. Why are socks and sandals bad?

185. Why doesn’t string cheese come in strings?

186. Why hasn’t my fortune key fortune come true?

187. Would a cold fire still burn you?

188. Is there a difference between a small lake & big pond?

189. Why are there very little pink houses?

190. What’s the chance of a car crash cause of a fruit fly?

191. What happens when the world runs out of movie ideas?

192. What would happen if Elsa didn't let it go?

193. Was it cool to make the first tribes?

194. What in music makes people want to dance?

195. What was the first instrument?

196. Why is the world round and not flat?

197. Why can’t people love animals?

198. Why do we have to choose between dogs and cats?

199. Why can’t I sleep forever?

200. What questions do you have?