The Scoop WINTER 2018-2019 | Page 50

We live in a world where society has corrupted teenagers in so many ways that it is almost impossible to distinguish the good from the evil, when the government is plastered with corruption, when children are dying of hunger, when every day a person dies of sickness or someone is killed or when millions of babies don’t even make it out of the womb alive. This is the reality of the world we live in because it is filled with cruelty, injustices, unfairness and the nastiest things that you could ever imagine. As we have seen before, the world and its reality is repulsive, but what if the world wasn’t like this anymore? For one day, let’s forget the world we live in and try to imagine a world where you are the ruler of it. What would you change? What would you make different? Who would work on your side and so on… When we think of things like this, mostly nothing can come to your mind now because we know that these things will never happen, but I’m here to remind you that this is just hypothetically speaking.

Sometimes I like to think back on time and look at how far we have come and the technology that we have nowadays. As a curious thinker, sometimes I like to wonder what would the world be if Hitler hadn't it risen or caused the Holocaust, or what would our world be if we had the resources and technology back then, what would the world look now in 2019? We don’t live in a perfect world, but if I were to create the world, make the laws and govern it, these are the things I would love to change.

The first thing that I would love to do is to end police brutality. This has become one of the most discussed issues that has impacted the lives of many. For example, we can say that people of color have been one of the polices’ primary targets in society and it has to come to a stop to see the changes that we want in the near future. This is something that I wouldn’t allow if I ran the world because I feel that some people have overused those powers way too much. In order to prevent this from happening in my world, there would be regulations made in order to keep this world in peace. Some possible solutions that I could come up with are: I could make a law in my world that police officers could not use any hard objects or guns to harm another person without a background check on the person. Another solution would be: Having higher standards for hiring police officers. After interviewing most of my peers at work, this is the most coherent solution we could come up. A possible and permanent settlement in my world would be giving police officers a different kind of training and learn not to shoot first guys on sight. Learn to use weapons correctly first.

Second, I would love for there to be free health care given to everybody, and it is equally given to people around the world. I believe that this issue has affected our society in so many ways that we see it in our everyday life. We all have been witnesses of this, we see people on the streets sick, and they die due to stupid reasons, and sadly, it is something that we can prevent, we need to provide money and free health to everyone. But not just the people in the streets, but also provide support to single moms, and for people in necessary help. This issue is mostly affecting people of low-income, and it is definitely something I would love not to see in my world, and I would do everything in

my power to make sure that we are equally given the care everybody deserves. I honestly don’t have any idea of how to solve this problem or make this problem easier, but if you have any ideas, I’m open to any suggestions. What we can do is ask volunteer doctors to help us and go around helping people who really need the resources that they can’t afford.

And lastly, I would love my world to have more people with empathy because it will mean that we will have a world where we can have a better life. And we should also change the gender pay gap between the men and women when it comes to their career. It is unfair that men get paid more than women nowadays and it is all because society says that we aren’t capable of doing the same job men do, and that’s not true. The gender pay gap also affects people of color because although men get more money, a person of color will get less compared to a white person. The payment will be the same for women and men, no matter the race.

These are probably the most important things I would love to change in this world because these are probably the two main concerns that are affecting society. In order to make this article creative, I decided to interview some of my peers at my workplace and ask them if they could change anything in the world, what would it be and these were their responses.

“ If I could change anything in the world is that we should have free water for everyone and it should not be sold to people who have low-income nor anyone. And there should be no plastic because we need to take care of our nature too.” - Lisa Pennes

“ Hmm… If I could change anything in the world, it will be that instead of using money as our sources, we should barter with each other because money is just the value we set. And not only that but also we shouldn't have a government, and instead, we should have the people ruling.” - Eliana Salmerson

“ Ufff… If I could do anything to change the world is that we shouldn’t allow laws and instead, we should live without them like in The 100( A Netflix Show).” - Derick Thomas

“If I could change anything in the world, it will probably be for parents not to be so strict and be more chill.” - Leslie Martinez

“ If I could change anything in the world, I would like to have the skills and knowledge to be able to get a good job with a good amount of salary.” - Lin

“ If I could change anything in the world, I would like to change racism.” - Beatriz Vargas

“ If I could change anything in the world, it will be the President.” - Neta

“ If I could change anything in the world in the world it would be loving yourself.” - Ricksel.