The Scoop Winter 2017 | Page 8

Bernie Asks the

Questions We

Need Answers To

Bernie Sanders, a progressive, has won majority of the hearts of young people around the world. Unlike Trump, who based his campaign on “Making America Great Again,” Bernie’s focus is simply making America great.

He feels that the public eye has been fixated upon Trump because he knows how to make headlines. When he was going through a messy settlement, he simply made an even bigger mess on twitter to draw away the attention. But, America is not blind to these deceptions.

Bernie asks the questions a lot of people are not asking. Instead of “what has Trump done now?”, ask “Why is the richest country in the history of the world the only major country not to provide healthcare to all as a right, despite spending much more per capita?”

Instead of “What do you want from Walmart?”, ask “Should one family in this country, the Waltons of the Wal-Mart retail chain, own as much as the bottom 40 percent of our people? Should 52 percent of all new income be going into the pockets of the top 1 percent?”