“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate
cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”, this is one of the
most famous quotes by Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King
Jr. Every third Monday of January, we take a day to celebrate
the movement he led and the things he did to support it. We
commemorate Martin Luther King Jr’s actions to achieve
and fulfill his hopes for interracial happiness and peace.
The Civil Rights Movement was a huge event with the purpose
of creating equal opportunities for African-Americans, as well as
all other ethnicities. This movement had been an occurring
event since the 19th century ,but it peaked in the 1960’s, with
ideas of equal rights and opportunities for all races. Martin
Luther King Jr. was a major contributor to forwarding the
movement, being a leader and setting an example in non-
violent protests towards opposers of these ideals. Through this,
people joined along side him and helped to increase the size
and awareness of the movement.
The ideals for which Martin Luther King Jr. stood for are
celebrated on this day. Martin Luther King Jr. helped carry the
idea of peaceful equality for everyone. During this day, we
have unconditional gratitude for one another. We support
these ideas that Martin Luther King Jr. and his
movement represented as a way to
show respect to him and help
move forward with his
dreams, a dream
where we’re all equal
and can respect one another.
Dexter Hom