Problematic Trump
Since Donald Trump became president on January 20th, a lot of republicans are rising against him. Majority of the Republicans stood up against Trump because of the comments he made about women. From the start of the presidential debate to the end of it, Republicans felt like they were out of the party.
In an interview with Donald Trump in 2005, he shared really graphic situations about groping women. Trump has numerous discussions about women, there were cases in which he called women weak, animals, fat, pigs, etc. Trump also talked about how he was moving on this women to have sex with her. As he continued with the story, he was also talking about how he took her to furniture shopping. Trump’s pursuit on this particular married woman had failed. In another case, Trump spoke to Bush about Arianne Zucker, an actress that was going to escort them. When she was waiting for them, Trump says “Whoa!” He says “I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her.” Trump said that anything is possible for him because he is a celebrity.