The Scoop Winter 2017 | Page 10

National "Read A Book" Month

December is not only the month of Christmas gifts and Santa Claus, but it’s also National Book Month. Yes, there’s a month dedicated to reading books. Now half of you may be thrilled to read this article because you love reading, while the other half are ready to skip this and move on. To those of you in the latter, I hope you can change your mind and start reading in your spare time. For those moments when you’re relaxing by the fireplace, lounging on your couch drinking hot chocolate, and binge-watching Netflix series… Here are a few books for you to read and enjoy from yours truly.

If you’re into young adult fantasy and science fiction, then I have two amazing stories for you. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch begins with an ordinary man waking up from what he thinks is a dream being kidnapped only to be told the life he lived is not his life and that none of it was real… including the family he loved. Heartless by Marissa Meyer follows a headstrong young woman who wants to choose her own destiny despite the demands of her power-hungry mother and an entitled Prince asking for her hand in marriage. This all goes down in the magical place of Wonderland.