The Scoop Winter 2015 | Page 3

To teach, grow, and honor the game

In the Crease - Featured Articles

"Mass Bay Colonials: On a Mission Amid Mountains"

Sebastian Gates - 6

"The Success of Community: The MBYLL Philosophy"

Emily Kochanek - 16

"Inside Coaching Education: Training Role Models"

Jonathan Sigal - 20

"From Concept to Code: Evolution of a Rule Change"

Andrew O'Reilly - 28

The Scoop - Regular Columns

"Through The Box" - Jim Helie & Tom Shortt

Emily Kochanek - 14

"Where Is He Now?" - Bill Mason, NSYLA

Jonathan Sigal - 18

"Balls In" - Featured Drill: The Star Drill

Andrew O'Reilly - 31

"Flag Is Down" - A Conversation with EMLOA

Joey Picard - 32

Ground Balls - Miscellaneous

"The Face-Off" - President's Message

Tom Spangenberg - 2

"Sticks In" - Lacrosse Hodgepodge

Joey Picard - 4

"The Clear" - Featured Photograph

Greg Klim - 22

The Scoop Staff


Joey Picard

Assistant Editor

Emily Kochanek

Staff Writers

Emily Kochanek

Andrew O'Reilly

Jonathan Sigal

Sebastian Gates

Chief Photographer

Greg Klim

Advertising Sales

Jim Olivier

MBYLL Board of Directors


Tom Spangenberg


Larry Cordio


Rick Zaccardo

VP, Sport Development

Kevin McDonald

VP, Game Administration

Bob Flynn

Director, Coaching Education

Greg Klim

Director, Jamboree Ops

Jim Olivier

Regional Directors

Mike Reardon - Metro West

Ken Swenson - Northeast

Joey Picard - Northwest

Joe Coleman - South Central

Michael Morse - South Shore (C&I)

John Moorshead - West Central

The Scoop / Winter '15 3