The Scoop Summer 2016 | Page 15

You’ll be missing out a lot in life if all you do is look at yourself.

The world is a big place, a sea of people, a sky of emotions, and a rollercoaster of experiences. The world is not a mirror that revolves around you.

You are the mirror that reflects your actions onto others. Do things that you’ll look happily back on.

Make sure to not regret the decisions you have made.

But if you did make that mistake, accept it and move on.

Time doesn’t stop for you, don’t spend more than what you should need or have.

Although this is different for each individual and the circumstances that revolve around that moment.

The world spins even if you stop

It will be too late eventually.

“It’s never too late” is a fake saying

A false hope of sorts.

Sure you can do it later, sure it’s better late than never, but what if things have already done what they had needed to do and no longer care?

What if you no longer have the strength to do what you wanted?

What if…. You died?

It would definitely too late by then.

Live your life as if it’s the last day you would get to see the things around you.

Live in a way you can hold your head up high

Not so that all you see are the feet you walk with

Find a purpose to live for, a meaning to pursue

People die, but many are not truly alive

- Elvis Tran