The Scoop Spring 2018 | Page 2

In the Crease - Table of Contents

"The Line-Up"

Joey Picard - 4

"The Face-Off"

Tom Spangenberg - 7

"Sticks In"

The Scoop Staff - 8

"Interwoven Success"

Medway Youth Lacrosse

Matt McGuirk - 10

"Through the Box"

A Coaching Spotlight on

Lexington's Reihl Mahoney

Matt McGuirk - 14

"MBYLL Youth Days"

Kevin Barney - 16

"The Clear"

George Lucozzi - 18

"A Commitment to Community"

H.L. Porter - 22

"Dighton-Rehoboth Year One:

A Success Story"

Matt Noonan - 24

"Q&A with Jacob Cotton"

Matt Noonan - 28

"Q&A with Paul Walter"

Matt Noonan - 32

The Scoop Staff


Joey Picard

Staff Writers

Matt Noonan

Matt McGuirk

Sebastian Gates

H.L. Porter

Chief Photographer

George Lucozzi

Advertising Sales

Kevin Barney

MBYLL Board of Directors


Tom Spangenberg


Jim Olivier


Chuck LaPosta

VP, Director of League Operations

Joey Picard

Director, Coaching Education

Dave Johns

Director, Jamboree Ops

Larry Cordio

Director, Sport Development

Rick Zaccardo

Regional Directors

Mike Reardon - Metro West

Ken Swenson - Northeast

Jim Dalton - Northwest

Bob Thompson - South Central

Chuck LaPosta - West Central

Pictured opposite: Billerica Youth Lacrosse Coach Jim Hunt connects with a player

Photo courtesy of George Lucozzi, ASA Photographic