The Scoop October 2016 | Page 15

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I am Henry

Growing up as an Asian kid in the projects in San Francisco with Asian parents was different. As an Asian, people have always assume that I am good at math; I am not. Living with Asian parents is strict, because they have always wanted me to get good grades in school. In addition to my stern parents, I also come from government-paid housing. Despite the situation, it was paradise the first time I stepped foot in my home; it’s been six years since then.

Back when I was ten years old, I didn’t know that much about my neighborhood. Now as a 16 year-old, still living in the projects, I have seen a lot of the troubles this area has endured. It’s been six years of hearing gunshots, ambulances, and blasting music. I am glad I am living in the projects, because it has shaped me to the person I am today.

Something that affected me the most was when I joined the Hamilton Swim Team. After joining, I learned a lot about swimming and I was in shape. The people there also made me realized the difference between people, gender and color. Growing up with stereotypical parents consisted of constantly trying to get good grades and a job. Growing up poor, I hated it because I wanted to have a lot of things.

What changed?

A lot has changed since then. Now I’m a junior in George Washington High School and a photographer with a paid internship. Photography has affected the way I live, because it’s fun to explore San Francisco with my friends. It changed the way I think of life. Photography is not just photos, but memories in everyone's lives. It gave me a reason to become active and have fun with my friends. I didn’t know any places in San Francisco until I started photography with my friends. I’ve discovered many places in San Francisco that I never would’ve thought of seeing. I love living in San Francisco, because it is diverse and I will never move.

Henry Xie