The Scoop November 2016 | Page 25

Many, if not all of us are aware that smoking is anything but a good habit to pick up, but not all of us are aware of the extent to which it negatively impacts our health. As post-grad student pursuing a Doctorate in Dental Surgery who has received an undergraduate Bachelors of Sciences degree in Physiology, I can confidently attest to the positive correlation between inhaling smoke and adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, sids and both lung and oral cancers. Additionally, even second and third-hand smoke have the ability to cause drastic hard. There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke breathed out by smokers.

As a dental provider, I counsel my patients on quitting the use of cigars, cigarettes, vapes and other smoke-related products. ⅗ of my patients pool tend to quit only after noticing negative affects to their health, while ⅕ patients adopt the idea that it is too late to reverse the effects of smoking. Although smoking cuts more than a decade from life expectancy, there is reason to have hope: Smokers who quit in their 40s or 50s can still reclaim many of the years that would otherwise be lost. Findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, show that people who kick the habit by the age of 40 reduce their risk of smoking-related death by 90 per cent, giving them a near-normal life expectancy. People who stopped smoking at 45 to 54 years old gained about six years of life, compared with those who continued smoking, while those who quit at 55 to 64 gained about four years of life.

Often people don’t care enough about themselves to quit their habit of smoking, but when realizing the effects smoking has on anyone surrounding them they are persuaded to quit. Below is conveniently placed list of effects SECOND-HAND smoke may have on those who do not engage in smoking themselves but are victims to second and even third-hand smoke.

THANK-YOU Marie Isabel, for writing to us.