The Scoop November 2015 | Page 5


town sheriff (CNN). Rumor has it that Sheriff Hanlin posted a conspiracy theory about the Sandy Hook shooting on Facebook. All of this seemingly steals the spotlight of the case and people are antsy towards the involvement of politics. Either way, everyone seems to hover of the subject of gun control.

Let’s lay down the statistics here, 14 guns, 10 dead, and 20 wounded. Surprise, surprise. Admit it, it’s a miserable century and DJ Khaled would be proud. So are you going to vote for that gun control law this time around?

in Levine’s classroom in Synder Hall? Ana Boylan, survivor among the deadpool, had played dead after being shot once in the back and got out of the room alive. Despite her injury, she forgives the twenty-six-year-old shooter saying, “I feel sorry for him. I feel bad for him. I just wish he could've not done that.” (NBC News). The crowd scratches blindly at the murderer for a sign of humanity due to the helpless hope that keeps this planet from collapsing on itself.

Setting the condemnation of Christopher Harper-Mercer aside, the Oregon townsfolk are currrently discussing the resignation of the


Oregon Nightmare