The Scoop MAY 2017 | Page 34

It’s Time To Recommit Yourself

The month of May marks the beginning of Recommitment Month. Commitment is a promise to do or give something. So a quick self-evaluation question, were you committed in the first place? Because it’s time to recommit!

Recommitment can mean many different things. Whether you’re committing to goals you started back in January, doing some self evaluation, or you’re taking a look at your relationship, the recommitments are all typically associated with one's health and well-being.

Let’s begin with which of your goals you need to review. Perhaps this year you wanted to break a bad habit or save a sufficient amount of money. Take a chance to look over what you have accomplished so far this year, and what still needs more focus as the second half of the year quickly approaches.

It can be emotionally draining to create a goal and then do little or nothing to pursue it. Sadly, it is easy to fall into habits that prevent us from accomplishing our goals, so taking time to self-reflect and analyze your progress is very important. Some tips for self reflection include keeping a journal, one of the best ways to remember goals and make a plan is to write it down! By keeping a journal you have the opportunity to map out or chart and plan or set of steps that will work to help you fulfill your goals and allow you to reflect on the process and if it worked for you. Make checkpoints, give yourself a timeline of when you want to accomplish each of your goals or certain steps that will result in the completion of a goal. By setting these checkpoints or deadlines you are helping yourself stay on task and make progress.

Looking at your relationship that can be a bit more difficult. How is your dating relationship or marriage doing in terms of well-being and stability? Do you need to reconnect? Are you feeling as close to one another physically, emotionally, and spiritually as you would like? Are you communicating enough? Are you and your partner on the same page? Consider each of these things when re-evaluating your goals.

How do you think you’ve been doing with your goals so far? Are you where you want to be? Have you made any new goals or added new steps since? How can you get back on track if you veered off?

Nicole Stesyuk