Sports Injuries
Any injury or illness caused from or related to athletic activity. Anyone that does physical activities can be affect by sports related injuries. Sports Injuries can vary from bruises to broken bones and concussions. The 7 most common sports injuries include ankle sprains, knee injuries, ACL tears, groin pulls, hamstring injuries, tennis elbow, and shin splints. All sports injuries require you to see your doctor immediately in the event of something seriously being injured or that can worsen with continuous exercise. Often, athletes will rest or ice the injury and then immediately return to their activity, which can result in further injury or overuse injury. These kinds of injuries should not be treated at home and at most with first aid until you are able to get professional help at the hospital or from your doctor.
Sore Throat
Usually caused from bacterial or viral infection in the throat or any irritation in the throat. People who are affected is usually anyone who is sick or are something that resulted in stomach acid coming up to their throat. The easiest way to heal a sore throat is to gargle saltwater. Mixing warm/hot tap water with plain table salt can help kill the infection in one's throat. Keeping that in mind it is still highly recommended you go see your doctor in case you may have a more serious infection such as strep throat.
Dexter Hom, Nicole Stetsyuk