Blood Pressure
Also known as hypertension, it's an increase pressure of blood that pushes on the vessels they're in when the heart pumps. Blood can be thickened from fats that makes the heart have to push harder and put more pressure on the veins it's pumping blood into. This can lead to blood vessels popping or breaking where blood can't flow to important organs in one's body. Without blood, many important organs like the heart and the brain can shut down and die. This causes strokes and heart attacks that can severely cripple people and put them in critical condition. People who are at risk include ones with high cholesterol or high fat content from their diet. Older people have a harder time burning of fat which makes them more likely to have this as well. Anyone who has an unhealthy diet can be affected, even if they don't have a high body mass. Eating lower fat and cholesterol or healthier foods can lower blood pressure. Also drinking more fluids works to break down food more quickly. Basically avoiding thickening blood from fatty foods and strengthening one's heart from cardio can prevent blood from bursting a blood vessel.
Sleep Deprivation
Has a variety of conditions and causes. From a lack of overall sleep, this can cause daytime tiredness, obesity, and depression. This can cause low-levels of motivation to work and live overall. People that are affected are ones with less sleep than the required amount, where children are recommended 10-12 hours and adults with around 8. More than fifty percent of adults don't get more than 5 hours. Adults with an average of less than 7 hours or people who are awake for more than 16 hours straight without any sleep or rest can develop these symptoms. Treating sleep deprivation is more difficult than just sleeping. One needs to set a bedtime to actually go to sleep in a quiet and dark environment. Not eating 2-3 hours before sleeping and using electronics make sleeping easier and to have more REM sleep. Anything that can make one's sleeping easier and faster is the best way to cure sleep deprivation.