The Scoop MARCH 2017 | Page 9

The American Red Cross’ mission is to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.​ The American Red Cross provides many services through the hard work of many volunteers, partners and donors all across the country. They aspire to turn compassion into action so that all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope. As well as being prepared for disasters. They make sure that everyone in our country has access to safe and crucial blood supplies. Basically, the Red Cross is always prepared to save your life.

You can always become a volunteer by either donating food, blood or even products like clothing. If your are a high school student in San Francisco, your school more than likely has a specific month in which the Red Cross’ truck stops by and collects blood. Many students signs up to donate blood and help other people. According to, more than 5,000 student in the San Francisco District have donated a collective of at least 8,000 pint of blood. Don’t hesitate, now is the time for you to be a hero. Apply to be a volunteer. Become a donor. Become a part of the team! You can apply by going to their website or by clicking here.

Katerine Chung

the Hero