The Scoop March 2016 | Page 15

There are many websites or communities online of people attempting to learn a new language. Joining one of those and posting about your progress would be a great way to garner support and motivation. Although it is not wrong to tackle the challenge of learning a new language by yourself, it would be best to get involved with other people who are doing the exact same thing.

Efficiency is a completely different problem altogether. People want to learn FAST and push themselves, but the direction they go in may not be the best one. Vocabulary lists. These two words are something every language learner knows about, and some people focus on these at the beginning all the way to the end of their attempt.

Instead of using vocabulary lists and sticking true to them, it is much better to learn phrases, sounds, and words in context. You don’t learn a language, you live it. It is best to regard a language as a living being rather than an object, it will always continue to change. In the case of learning words (such as the kanji in Japanese), first hearing how it is said and then using a spaced-repetition-system to remember it is recommended. For those who never heard of it, use wikipedia. Easy and simple.

Use an application, mobile or on the computer to help make a set for yourself. Anki is one of applications programmed as a spaced-repetition-system that you can use. Continuously add words to the list you wish you add to your repertoire and practice it daily. Set time aside to use the application. Pick a moment that you will certainly go through everyday, like during lunch or right before you go to sleep [although this time wouldn’t work for most people because they’ll feel lazy and say to themselves “I’ll just do it tomorrow” (DON’T DO THIS)]. It is much better than an ordinary vocabulary list with flashcards in getting you to learn words. Learning should be fun, the moment you get bored of vocabulary lists, they aren’t so useful anymore.