Stepping through the threshold of the Multicultural Resource Center at UCSF, you’ll find yourself glared down by a wall of doctors...that is, of course, their pictures on the “blood orange” wall. Looking over to the adjacent wall, you’ll find framed pictures of all sizes taken by the youths. For the CHALK humans, now now, don’t laugh just yet, these kids could be the next Harvey someday. Sebastian designed the show card for the YCC Art Show opening and Katy designed a shirt. All together, YCC members sold pieces at the Incline Gallery.
As great as things can end up, the feelings weren’t like that from the beginning. Know that feeling when you just find yourself in something that you didn’t sign up for but it turns out to be part of the thing that you did sign up for? The bewilderment is hard to describe because in that moment all you can do is go along with it. After settling into the situation, you seemingly liked how the ordeal turned out, so you stay for it. And long story short, I found out that by enrolling in Steps to College (STC), that I am also a YCC (Youth Creating Change), which is a program backed by San Francisco Youth Coalition (SFYC). As members, we take on the responsibility of exposing med students to the other side of reality, or rather the only reality. There will always be fancy statistics that show how education, income, and neighborhood takes a toll on adult health. But I guess the undergrads have to hear it from sixteen-year-olds. Similarly to what CHALK does, YCC (Youth Creating Change) identify the void and supplement the lacking aspects. This program also advocates for youth empowerment just like we do. Here’s the easy break down, CHALK is to BACR as YCC is to SFYC.
Health Through a Lens