There are also some t
heories about the origin
of the tale. In 1994,
German historian,
Eckhand Sander
published the
Marchen oder
Wahrheit? (Snow
White: Is It a
Fairy Tale?) and
revealed the story
that the Grimm
brother’s inspired f
rom. According to
Sander, the traditional
components to the Snow White tale
can be found in the real life story of
Margarete von Waldeck, who was the
countess of Philip II of Spain. Margarete
was forced by her step-mother, Katharina
of Hatzfeld to move away in the age of
16. Moreover, Margarete fell in love with
who later become Phillip II of Spain.
Margaret’s father and step-mother
disapproved and Margarete mysteriously
died at the age of 21 by poisoning.
actually darker than you think. Some even
points out that the prince is actually the
Grim Reaper of death taking Snow White
to the heaven. It just gets darker as you
research more about it.
Ben Wu