Off-Color Humor
Off-color humor is a term used to describe humor about things generally considered unacceptable to make jokes about. It comes in many varieties, but the two main colors are:
Black humor is humor that makes light of taboo or offensive subjects. It is related to gallows humor, but is distinguished from it in the sense that black humor is about anything offensive or politically incorrect, while gallows humor is specifically about death.
Blue comedy is a type of comedy that is risque and profane, usually sexual in nature. This meaning of the word blue, while now antiquated, has existed as far back as the 1890s.
Now that you know more about the different types of humor, you may be able to better determine what makes you laugh, and what the humor you like says about you. Are you optimistic or self-deprecating? Risque or relatively tame? For the sake of making friendships or shaming enemies?
Kavya Seth