The Scoop April 2016 | Page 10


Donec lobortis


justo sagittis

Vivamus id ipsum sit amet at massa consectetur porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc praesent ignissim ultrices at neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aenean sagittis gravida est, sit amet egestas metus venenatis non. Mauris non leo malesuada orci laoreet eleifend eget mattis ipsum. Nam vehicula lorem erat,a consectetur libero erat justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.

temperature leads to a loss in fish. But, this is also happening worldwide. As temperature increases, animals on both land and in water lose their habitats (not like humans are already doing that), but we’re slowly heading towards mass extinction. This isn’t an impossibility, considering the state of the world and how most politicians aren’t doing much. If Bernie Sanders gets elected, maybe we can finally do something as a country and not just as individual people.

The planet getting hotter also has an effect on weather and natural disasters. The effect on weather is obvious, but natural disasters become much more dangerous. To give an example would be hurricanes. The strength of a hurricane depends on how much energy it has, and hurricanes have LARGE amount of energy since they spin around so much. Most of us can’t spin for a long time, not to mention we’ll get dizzy but ignore that part. Things that are hotter has more energy, and with the sun heating up the waters (which hurricanes are pretty much made up of), hurricanes become increasingly dangerous. When hurricanes hit land masses, it doesn’t end with just a bath but uprooting of property, trees, injuries to people, and homes destroyed. This leads to billions of dollars in damages, and nobody wants to pay for this. Eventually, (at this rate), these natural disasters will hit us which is plenty to be afraid of.

Surprisingly, global warming isn’t just heating but can also cool some parts of the Earth. Just think about it, if the glaciers melt, where exactly do they go? Glaciers just turn into really cold water, and this water travels around the Atlantic Ocean. Within the Atlantic Ocean, there’s a majestic and fantasy like current that heats the Europe. Well, not fantasy-like because it actually exists. It’s the Gulf Stream that is a hot/warm salt water current that goes towards north of South America and deflects towards the European countries. The heat transfers onto the European countries leading to its livable and warm climate even though it’s pretty close to the north. The Gulf Stream is essentially the heater for Europe. However, with glaciers melting, this cold water interrupts the Gulf Stream and would make Europe cold, the opposite of what you would expect with global warming.

With global warming, the biggest effect is climate change, as most politicians call it. Rather, it is more accurate to call global warming -- climate change, since some parts of the world cools, in order to balance with the heating in other areas of the world. The result of temperature change is difficult to predict, but most organisms would no longer be able to live in their natural habitat. Imagine San Francisco, what if things dropped by 20 degrees? It wouldn’t be like San Francisco anymore right, with its awesome weather? Animals are much more sensitive to changes in the climate, unlike us who have clothes and shelter to counteract those changes. But one of the biggest problem is once again, the food we can eat. The farms that exist within agricultural areas depend greatly on climate. Bad climate leads to bad harvest and ends with no food. Everybody likes food, so no food means the world would be filled with more stress. Nobody likes stress, that’s why no one wants to do their homework nor do they want to have tests.

Although climate change doesn’t sound as dangerous as it might be, it could potentially become as bad as a nuclear bomb where some areas are no longer livable. This would happen if we go past the tipping point of 2 degrees Celsius warmer. The reason why this 2 degrees Celsius or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit is so important is because in the history of humans, we have never lived in a time of the world where temperature were like that. Although the number was probably picked as a political reason to have the world leader have a set goal, once we pass this number, we would probably see longer heat waves and droughts that limit food supply and a rise in ocean/sea levels that would flood coastal cities, including San Francisco. Most people are uninformed about global warming because the media rarely goes over the actual dangers of it. Mainly due to media most often going over things about corporations. The main point of this article was to do it in their stead, and hopefully it has achieve its purpose without boring you on a topic people would usually ignore.