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Oculus Rift is a MUST HAVE
For all the gamers out there, the oculus rift is a must have. Costing at an expensive $599, the oculus rift is an awesome accessory to enhance video games. Gamers did not know when this Oculus rift was going to be out , until it actually was released the 28th of March. For those who don’t know, this gadget is a headset that when put on, produces a whole new gaming experience. Not only does it create a new and unique sensation when gaming, but it also makes the player feel remarkable. Players feel remarkable because of their gaming experiences. These players/gamers have been here forever seeing what the progression of gaming is going to. Some have lived through the first ever generation console, handheld console, motion sensored console, and now the Oculus Rift is here to enhance the way gaming has been. Seeing how gaming has evolved throughout the years and finally having an, makes a player feel special. It allows the player to feel the most of a game, to the point where it is realistic.
The Oculus Rift only works when plugged into a PC with a special cable. At the moment, the only use for the Oculus Rift is for gaming. However, people are expecting a lot from the Oculus Rift in the future. Gizmag.com, wrote an article “Ways the Oculus Rift could (eventually) transcend gaming” which explains different ways people might use this gadget for in the future. Their article was full of ideas, that I will rephrase some of them down below.
by Joseline Saucedo