The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 10

Editorial In this dangerous time of Kaliyug, it is very difficult to remain ethical and honest in matters of money. This is especially so regarding money that is acquired easily as opposed to money that is earned through ethical practices. The distinction between money earned honestly versus dishonestly is critical especially because it is not easily apparent to the owner. The consequences are as clear as the difference between heaven and hell on earth. Gnani Purush Dadashri has unfolded the final secrets to liberation for the seeker. In worldly matters he has exposed and presented the final keys to ideal interactions in all matters and especially in matters of money. A balance of both spiritual and worldly interaction is the ideal and fastest way to liberation, like the two wings of the bird. The most critical of worldly interaction is that of money. If this is tainted or impure, no progress can be made spiritually. If this wing is defective then one cannot fly to spiritual heights. The most fortunate of spiritual seekers have been graced with observations of the practical living example of Dadashri’s worldly interactions with money. These simple daily life examples and talks of the Gnani Purush are presented here. By maintaining purity in religion, in business and in his home life, he has shown an extraordinary example of exemplary purity for the whole world. His eternal statement ‘Religion must exist in business but business must never exist in religion’, lays down the fundamental requirements of ideal business and spiritual practices. 9