The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 9
Countless unimaginable and unexpected events such as
plane crashes, bombings, fires, earthquakes and tornadoes
causing innumerable deaths, have been known from television
and newspapers! Many people have met their death in accidents
or from diseases and hunger. Many have died right after birth
and many have committed suicide. There have also been dark
scandals involving preachers. At the same time the evolved
souls of saints, devotees, and Gnanis (Self-realized) have been
experiencing the bliss of Self (nijananda). When scandals arise,
people become curious. Why are babies born disabled? One
does not find any consolation. People’s minds are silenced
because they cannot resolve and understand the true nature and
laws of karma. What is karma? How does one bind or
accumulate karmas? Where does it all begin? What was the
very first karma? How can one be liberated from karma? Can
one avoid experiencing karma? Is God the doer of karma or
is he the instigator behind them? What comes after death?
Who binds all these karmas? Who experiences these karmas,
the Atma (Soul) or the physical body?
What do our people call karma? According to people in
general, karma means going to work, performing meritorious
deeds, charity, and religious activities. The Self-realized however,
call these ‘karmaphala’ (resultant karma) instead of karma.
The gross karmas, which can be seen and experienced through
the five senses, are all karmaphala or discharge karmas. That
which was charged in the past life is being discharged in this life.
It is manifested and becomes visible. The karmas performed at
the present time are done at the subtle level. The charging point
is very difficult to grasp or recognize.
A businessman, pressured by his relatives, donates five
lakh rupees to a charity trust, while his friend asks, “Why did
you donate money? Don’t you know that they are all thieves
and embezzlers?” The businessman tells his friend that he knows