The Science of Karma 35
Questioner : If we have to suffer for mistakes made unintentionally , then how much do we have to suffer for the ones made knowingly ?
Dadashri : If a man creates a lot of punya karma , these karmas are such that he will become a king , but he creates these karmas unintentionally , without any understanding of what he is doing . Then he will become a king without having any conscious knowledge of how to be one . In his next life he inherits his father ’ s throne at the age of five , he reigns for about six years before being ousted by another king . Compare this to a man who becomes a king at the age of thirty , who also reigns for six years before being replaced . Of the two , which one is able to enjoy the fruit of his karma the most ? They both ruled for six years .
Questioner : The older one .
Dadashri : Because he had knowingly bound good karmas , he enjoyed its fruits with awareness , while the child king , enjoyed the fruit of his karma without awareness . Similarly if you create good or bad karmas unintentionally , you will enjoy their fruits without awareness also . Do you understand that ?
I will give you another example . Two friends are walking along and one of them accidentally steps on a cockroach and kills it while the other deliberately steps on another cockroach and crushes it to death . Now what did both the men do ?
Questioner : Kill the cockroaches .
Dadashri : According to the laws of nature , they are both killers . Their crimes are the same . Both are guilty of killing , but their methods were different . What consequences will both of them face ? They will face an insult and a couple of slaps on the face . The one who killed accidentally will come across someone who will insult him and slap him , but because he is born in a lower social status , he will not suffer the insult for too