The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 48

The Science of Karma 33 make you the Absolute Self. This is an exact science. Cause-Effect And Effect Of Effect Questioner: Karmas that were charged in the past life come in the form of discharge in this life. What about the karmas of this life, can they discharge in this life or not? Dadashri: No. Questioner: When do they come? Dadashri: Causes of this life are the effects for the next life. Causes of the last life are the effects of this life. Questioner: But you have already said that some karmas are such, that they have to be experienced in this life. Dadashri: That is what the people of the world perceive. If someone has dysentery, people would say it was because he frequently ate at restaurants. They would say that he had bound the karma by eating at the restaurants and that now he was suffering the effect of that karma. The Gnani would look at the reasons behind him eating in a restaurant; the reason behind how he learned to eat out; the reason behind how everything comes together. He was able to eat in the restaurant when all the circumstances came together. His eating in a restaurant was the result of a cause he made in his last life. When these causes come into effect, he will have to go to the restaurant and so he will end up going there, even if he does not want to. The person is left wondering why he does things against his wishes. People without Gnan believe that one suffers because of what he does. They believe that karmas are bound and experienced in this very life. But they do not stop to ask why that person keeps eating in the restaurant against his wishes. The law that takes him there against his wishes is his past karmic account. Questioner: He goes to the restaurant because of his