The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 36

The Science of Karma 21 karmas will come and leave. The soul is then liberated. Once new karmas are created, you will have to experience their consequences. They will not let you go and that is why they are obstructive. With past consequences, you merely have to taste the fruits and move on. Questioner: You said that one would have to experience even the smallest of karmas, if created. Dadashri: Yes, you have no choice but to suffer them. There is no way out. You can be liberated even while experiencing the fruits of past karma, but liberation is impossible if one continues to bind new karmas, because he will have to stay back to reap the consequences of the karma. Questioner: Do we experience the fruits of our good and bad karma in this lifetime or in the next? Dadashri: The consequences of karmas that are visible, for example when a person steals, cheats, and betrays others, are suffered in this life. While suffering them the internal intent of attachment and abhorrence is the seed for new karmas, which will have to be suffered in the next life. Every Life: A Balance Sheet Of Previous Lives Questioner: Are the karmas today in my life, an accumulation from countless past lives? Dadashri: Every life is the balance of infinite previous lives. It is a balance sheet. This applies to all past lives. It is not a total sum of all lives. According to the law of nature, when the time is right the karma must come into fruition, otherwise a lot of karmas will be left over. Questioner: Is this all linked to the past life? Dadashri: Yes. One cannot do both; create cause and suffer its effect, in one lifetime. Why can one not create both at the same time? How can cause and effect have the same time