The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine October Magazine, 2017 | Page 35

into this time-space reality , you each came here as co-creators . The purpose is to expand , grow , and mature as you discover your talents , gifts , and abilities . This is what you humans into your distinct self , giving you cause to experience joy . In other words you came into this this world to thrive and not just survive . We are here to not only expand ourselves but the ever-expanding Universe , as well !
But how do we humans expand the Universe ? Well , Sophia has stated that as we expand and create , we are not only participating in the expansion , we are connected and interconnected with the Universe at large . Life on planet Earth reflects and participates on one level or another with what is going on everywhere at all times . In other words , all time exists in this very second ? the past , the present and the future . We are experiencing everything at the same time . There is no separation between the past , present or future .
To take it a step further , Sophia indicates that there is no separation energetically between humans or non-physical entities . The only separation that exists is within us . We are the ones that don ? t hear the messages that can easily and lovingly guide us , as Sophia guides me . Are there are other time-space realities and things going on that we don ? t see or know about ? Sophia is emphatic in telling us that Yes , absolutely , that the Universe operates on many levels that are physical and non-physical . Matter and energy are always expanding and growing energetically as well as physically . The Earth is a great reflection of not only energy but our earthly emotions as well . There are many time-space realities happening all at once as the non-physical energies interact . The energy of parallel worlds and realities operate together in harmony .
When asked , " Are there are other worlds like ours in the Universe ?" Sophia responds that yes , there are many time-space realities that are energetically happening in parallel universe and in sync with this planet that we are currently living in . This is the reason why so many can experience time-travel and can even experience different energies on many levels . What some may even call past-life experiences , are simply parallel experiences happening in the now and NOT the past . Please realize that there is no time or space restrictions in our past or future . Everything is happening NOW .
We are all experiencing the energy in many forms whether it be physical or non-physical . This is the very reason why everyone can travel easily in their thoughts and dreams while still physically in their own physical Universe .
Anyone that desires to become aware and experience time-travel and even out of body experience , can do this . All you have to do is become vibrationally align with the Life Force Energies and start soaring into new realities .
Sophia continues to excite us with amazing answers as she continues as to whether time-travel is the same as an out- of-body experience . She stated that we live in a multi-verse of alternative worlds that are echoing throughout infinity . In this Universe of energy , we are to manipulate the quantum energies of the entire Universe . Yes , each one of us humans can do this ! We are all time-travelers as well as space travelers that have the ability to enter into the quantum fields of the entire Universe . The energy fields are all interconnected and accessible if one chooses to tap into these fields . Some may experience out of body experiences while experiencing these quantum energy fields as well . You may even call it time-travel if one experiences past-lives or future of infinity .
Then the question arises how to enter the gateways to alternative time-space realities ? Sophia answers that , first and foremost , you have to withdraw from the frequency of everyday life and go to a place where you can quiet chatter of the mind . In order to do that , it is recommended that you write out all distractions of things that may pop into your head , so can simply forget them for the moment . This will allow you to move into the meditative Alpha state without fear of mental interruptions . It is here that you set your intentions for either time-traveling or an out of body experience .
Fear of the unknown may pop up , which will allow you to release them prior to entering into the super-conscious state of existence . You continue to focus on your intention as you let go of your present-time-space reality as a human being . You simply allow the energies to take you to new experiences . As you relax , you will let go of any expectations that you may fear in being human .
Page 35- Oct ./ Nov , 2017